The main goal for creating my multimodal webpage was to deeply enhance and enrich my experience. By exploring various filmmaking methods like Found Footage Films, Dutch angle, and mise en abyme helped me gain more comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the technologies and the sharp narrative and emotional storytelling that is played through these digital procedures.
Incorporating clips from the movies that I worked on "The Searching" and "Sherlock Holmes" allowed me to provide concrete examples of the techniques and enhancement you can make to scenes that could be mesmerized by the viewer. The practical application not only enhanced my research but also made the webpage more engaging.
The process required extensive research for websites where I could get references or ideas that I could put and expand my knowledge in film history and theory that came to existence. It was a fascinating experience with engaging stories and how these movies were made and visualized.
Overall, this multimodal experience deepened my appreciation for filmmaking and craftmanship in every scene. The tough spot that I was put in when researching a lot and finding so many fresh ideas and the solution of depicting those to almost summarize the whole story and adding background effects and theme which I tested and got feedback from others has helped me to make the presentation more cleaner and sharp. The inputted crafts helped me figure out and identify the places where I needed improvement. The areas that I could have improved on are adding more interactivity in my presentation and making the shades and volume of the presentation more engaging to the viewers viewing it.